Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 22, 2013


So, it has been a while.  I have been seeing and Occupational Therapist to strengthen what movement I do have and I am slowly getting stronger.  Unfortunately, I am unable to receive botox to relax the non-paralyzed and very strong  right side (non-paralyzed side), due to my pregnancy.  I have heard that I should not receive botox while breastfeeding too, so that is at least another 6 months after baby comes.  Bitter sweet because I am pretty excited about the idea of a baby and also love how the botox helps my strong side look less powerful and therefor helps to create facial symmetry.  So much to look forward to....  Why not now!!!! :)  Being patient is draining sometimes. :)
33 weeks with baby boy!
Who knows when I will post again, being that the baby is due April 5th, but I will.  Also, I will add a video of the movement I have gained.  For now, I will post a pic.



  1. Yeah, Jilly Bean!

    We are so excited for you guys to come north this weekend! Soon it will be coming home! Also, I watched the video and GOSH DANG your face is moving!

    Holy Crap!

    I love you, kiddo.

    Love, Steve.

  2. Hi Jill

    Thank you so much for posting your journey. I'm also in my early 30s and a runner trying to decide if I want to go through the two stage surgery process. Could I email you some questions? Thanks

    Congrats on all your progress and on the addition to your family.
