Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Healing!

Well, I don't really have much to report, except that I am doing really well.  I am still limping a bit and my temple and inner leg ache, but that is it.  My beloved Mom and Cousin left on Saturday; what a great week we had together.  Adam and I offered for them to move in permanently, but they declined. :)

Even though my cheek swelling is still quite apparent, I feel so much more comfortable in public.  I'd rather have a stiff grin than frown anyday.  I even asked Adam to take a picture with me... Oh, what a great feeling.  So many little things are happening that make my everyday life so much easier.  Yay!

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. just read through your last two... got the info by email while you were in hospital... but the photos are amazing! I am so very happy for you Jill... I know how much you have longed for this and it's so nice to hear that you are happy!
    Hope we can come see you soon... maybe see a snowy winter?? lotsa love and hugs,
    ~Bobbi, Warren & Marcus
